Glowing Squid Illuminate Immune System Function

( -- Tiny Hawaiian bobtail squid use an unusual form of camouflage: they pack colonies of glowing bacteria into their bodies. Spencer Nyholm studies these invertebrates to understand how immune systems work.

Squid 'sight': Not just through eyes

It's hard to miss the huge eye of a squid. But now it appears that certain squids can detect light through an organ other than their eyes as well.

Navy grant to fund probe of squid and octopus camouflage

Octopuses and squid are big brained species that use much of their mental powers to adjust their own appearances. This remarkable ability to camouflage on the fly has inspired the Office of Naval Research to award $7.5 million ...

Study of 'Persistent Currents' Finally Verifies Theory

( -- Approximately 20 years ago, scientists discovered that is is possible for an electric current to flow endlessly in a ring made of a normal metal. One might think that such an 'old' finding would be well understood ...

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