Ocean warming causes elephant seals to dive deeper

Global warming is having an effect on the dive behaviour and search for food of southern elephant seals. Researchers from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association cooperating ...

Scientists aiding fishermen in butterfish conundrum

Butterfish may sound delicious, but local fishermen would rather keep them out of their nets. The small, silvery fish are protected by fishing limits yet frequently surface in tows when fishermen are trawling for squid. Too ...

Squid mystery in Mexican waters unraveled

While shorter days and colder weather move many of us to hunker under the covers, researchers who spent their summers in fieldwork are more likely to be hunched over microscopes and curled over keyboards, scrutinizing samples ...

Giant kraken lair discovered

Long before whales, the oceans of Earth were roamed by a very different kind of air-breathing leviathan. Snaggle-toothed ichthyosaurs larger than school buses swam at the top of the Triassic Period ocean food chain, or so ...

Glowing squid thrive in symbiotic relationship

(PhysOrg.com) -- Bacteria generally have a bad reputation – they’re good only for causing disease, and are best avoided. But Spencer Nyholm of the molecular and cell biology department in the College of Liberal ...

Researchers create light from 'almost nothing'

(PhysOrg.com) -- A group of physicists working out of Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden, have succeeded in proving what was until now, just theory; and that is, that visible photons could be produced ...

Studying 'squid skin' to create new camouflage patterns

As an octopus, a squid, or a cuttlefish moves around a reef in the ocean, it instantly camouflages itself against the background. Known as cephalopods, these animals have the extraordinary ability to conceal themselves from ...

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