How to make coated wood products last longer

By painting wood products like facades and outdoor furniture you can prolong their service life. However, it is not only the paint that affects the durability, but also the characteristics of the wood. Studied variables were ...

How our forests are adapting to climate change

How do trees adjust to the effects of global warming? EPFL researchers have studied how beech and spruce trees – two of the most common plant species in Europe – react to changing temperatures. And they discovered that ...

Baby boomer squirrels master tricky timing

Female squirrels who align their reproduction to take advantage of food-rich years and align have more pups that survive to maturity, according to new research from UAlberta biologists

Fate of primeval forest in balance as Poland plans logging

It is the last remaining relic of an ancient forest that stretched for millennia across the lowlands of Europe and Russia, a shadowy, mossy woodland where bison and lynx roam beneath towering oak trees up to 600 years old.

Massive spruce beetle outbreak in Colorado tied to drought

A new University of Colorado Boulder study indicates drought high in the northern Colorado mountains is the primary trigger of a massive spruce beetle outbreak that is tied to long-term changes in sea-surface temperatures ...

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