Related topics: sports medicine ยท athletes

Personal aircraft aiming to take off from your home

A start-up company hosted in an ESA business incubator is developing the world's first vertical takeoff and landing aircraft for personal use. The electric two-seater will open the door to a new class of simpler, quieter ...

Curbing the life-long effects of traumatic brain injury

A fall down the stairs, a car crash, a sports injury or an explosive blast can all cause traumatic brain injury (TBI). Patients often recover. But in the days or weeks following the hit, they can develop other serious, chronic ...

Fitness products galore at gadget show

If your New Year's resolution was to get more exercise and you're slipping already how about a digital personal trainer?

US gun maker arming Wii shooter game

Legendary rifle maker Remington Arms Company said Friday it has teamed with videogame maker Mastiff to put virtual versions of its guns in a hunting title tailored for Wii consoles.

New Zealand fights to save its flightless national bird

New Zealand's treasured kiwi birds are shuffling around Wellington's verdant hills for the first time in a century, after a drive to eliminate invasive predators from the capital's surrounds.

Athletes look for an edge in virtual reality

Virtual reality (VR) appears ready to take the entertainment world by storm in 2016. In addition to the much-hyped Oculus Rift, major corporations such as Facebook, Sony and Samsung are poised to release high-quality VR headsets ...

Better social media techniques increase fan interest, engagement

Due to the ever-increasing number of people using social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, businesses and organizations, such as professional sports teams, are expanding their marketing and communication efforts to ...

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