Taking the pulse of the crowd

If everyone in the crowd at a sports event or concert or even the players had wireless heart monitors fitted, commentators and those behind the sound desk could get a real measure of the sense of the collective excitement ...

Exploring how deficits can be avoided at major sporting events

The World Cycling Championships in Bergen in 2017 had budgeted slightly more than €16.5 million in both revenues and costs. They missed the mark on both counts, and the event incurred a € 5.8 million deficit.

Forget magic figures for RWC, says researcher

Attempts to measure the success of the Rugby World Cup in dollar terms could be missing the point, according to a Massey University economics lecturer.

Researchers examine the rise of liveblogging

Dr Neil Thurman and Anna Walters, from City University London's Journalism School, have just published a study into liveblogging, which is becoming the default format for covering major breaking news stories, sports events, ...

Research finds out what London 2012 says about Britain

When the London 2012 Opening Ceremony is broadcast around the globe, an estimated one billion people will be watching, and inevitably drawing their own conclusions on our nation and what it means to be British.

FCC move to close program access loophole upheld

(AP) -- A federal court is upholding a recent decision by government regulators to close a loophole that had allowed cable TV operators to withhold sporting events and other popular programming from satellite TV providers ...

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