Related topics: bacteria · fungus · pathogens

Study: Fungus behind bat die-off came from Europe

The mysterious deaths of millions of bats in the United States and Canada over the past several years were caused by a fungus that hitchhiked from Europe, scientists reported Monday.

Sunbathing helps these bugs stay healthy

Sunbathing may be healthy – at least for one group of North American insects that apparently uses the activity to fight off germs, Simon Fraser University scientists have found.

Fleming's fungus still surprising scientists

( -- From the moment that a spore of fungus fell onto Alexander Fleming's culture plate in 1928 and killed the bacteria around it, that fungus was destined to become one of the most studied organisms on the planet. ...

New non-toxic disinfectant could tackle hospital infections

A new disinfectant, Akwaton, that works at extremely low concentrations could be used in healthcare settings to help control persistent hospital-acquired infections such as Clostridium difficile. The study is reported online ...

Why bacteria survive in space—biologists discover clues

In professor George Fox's lab at the University of Houston, scientists are studying Earth germs that could be contaminating other planets. Despite extreme decontamination efforts, bacterial spores from Earth still manage ...

Study shows live plant pathogens can travel on dust across oceans

Plant pathogens can hitch rides on dust and remain viable, with the potential for traveling across the planet to infect areas far afield, a finding with important implications for global food security and for predicting future ...

Researchers publish scientific paper on 2001 anthrax attacks

Researchers at the Institute for Genome Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and collaborators at the FBI, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and Northern Arizona University ...

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