The Danes do not abandon church Christianity

New research from University of Copenhagen shows that Danes are not abandoning their communal Protestant religion in favor of individualized spirituality such as meditation and mindfulness; the support for Christian faith ...

In harmony with faith

A clear connection between spiritual beliefs in a society and the music it creates has been claimed by researcher Jon Skarpeid at the University of Stavanger, based in part on his studies of Hinduism.

How spirituality induces liberal attitudes

( —People become more politically liberal immediately after practising a spiritual exercise such as meditation, researchers at the University of Toronto have found.

Spirituality on the way to globalisation

( -- Spirituality is not what it once was – that much is certain, according to anthropologist Peter van der Veer. Working at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity in Göttingen, ...

More than 20 percent of atheist scientists are spiritual

More than 20 percent of atheist scientists are spiritual, according to new research from Rice University. Though the general public marries spirituality and religion, the study found that spirituality is a separate idea – ...

Probing Question: Do we romanticize the Amish?

The clip clopping of horse hooves on a country lane. Barefoot children in straw hats and bonnets. Black buggies, barn raisings, and tables laden with pickles, casseroles and shoofly pie. These are the images that come to ...

Can plant parables promote peace?

Stressed out? Spend some time with Mother Nature. Pick up any self-help manual and you'll likely find sage advice about the restorative effects of spending time in natural surroundings. Research shows that people who spend ...

Music and spirituality may be legacies of motherese: expert

( -- Ancient humans may have developed a capacity for music and a sense of spirituality linked to music because of the foetal/infant-maternal bond, according to international authority on the origins of music, ...

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