Time Warner buys back AOL stake from Google

(AP) -- Time Warner Inc. bought back Google Inc.'s 5 percent stake in struggling Internet company AOL LLC for $283 million, according to a regulatory filing by AOL on Monday.

AOL tries to recapture that startup feeling

(AP) -- It might seem an odd move for a company that relies on money from advertising. Yet AOL is reducing the number of ads it shows on its home page and some other Web sites it runs.

Blind, visually impaired New Yorkers contribute to state economy

Employment statistics suggest bleak economic realities for New Yorkers who are blind. Nearly two in three are out of work, a level in line with national unemployment figures for individuals who are blind and other populations ...

Stock holder sues HP execs for rosy outlook

Hewlett-Packard (HP) is being sued by a stock holder who accuses executives of painting a deceptively rosy picture of the computer company's prospects.

HP shares plunge on Wall Street

Hewlett-Packard shares plunged 20 percent on Wall Street on Friday after the world's top personal computer maker announced a strategic shakeup that includes spinning off its PC business.

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