Related topics: spinal cord · spinal cord injuries

Suit against federal stem cell research dismissed

(AP) -- A lawsuit that had threatened to end the Obama administration's funding of embryonic stem cell research was thrown out Wednesday, allowing the U.S. to continue supporting a search for cures to deadly diseases over ...

Molecular scaffold offers new approaches for spinal cord injury

Northwestern Medicine scientists have developed a molecular "scaffold" capable of enhancing electrical activity and growth in neurons, which may prove useful in treating spinal cord injuries, according to recent results published ...

Wearable robot 'WalkON Suit' off to Cybathlon 2020

Standing upright and walking alone are very simple but noble motions that separate humans from many other creatures. Wearable and prosthetic technologies have emerged to augment human function in locomotion and manipulation. ...

Engineering tissues and organs

( -- As a high school sophomore, Asad Moten read a news story about engineering new organs for patients waiting for a transplant, and decided to start his own tissue-engineering project.

Supported accommodation with a SmILE

A worldwide study into best practice accommodation design for people living with an acquired brain or spinal cord injury has been released today.

It's 2019 – where's my supersuit?

I loved the "Thundercats" cartoon as a child, watching cat-like humanoids fighting the forces of evil. Whenever their leader was in trouble, he'd unleash the Sword of Omens to gain "sight beyond sight," the ability to see ...

Researchers develop a better way to grow stem cells

Human pluripotent stem cells, which can become any other kind of body cell, hold great potential to treat a wide range of ailments, including Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injuries. However, scientists ...

Molecules self-assemble to provide new therapeutic treatments

Researchers in the laboratory of Samuel I. Stupp at Northwestern University have an interesting approach for tackling some major health problems: gather raw materials and then let them self-assemble into structures that can ...

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