Probing electron behaviour at the tips of nanocones

One of the ways of improving electrons manipulation is though better control over one of their inner characteristics, called spin. This approach is the object of an entire field of study, known as spintronics. Now, Richard ...

Pseudospin-driven spin relaxation mechanism in graphene

The prospect of transporting spin information over long distances in graphene, possible because of its small intrinsic spin–orbit coupling and vanishing hyperfine interaction, has stimulated intense research exploring spintronics ...

Kepler finds a very wobbly planet

( —Imagine living on a planet with seasons so erratic you would hardly know whether to wear Bermuda shorts or a heavy overcoat. That is the situation on a weird, wobbly world found by NASA's planet-hunting Kepler ...

Image: Churning atmosphere on Saturn

Like a swirl from a paintbrush being dipped in water, this image from the Cassini orbiter shows the progress of a massive storm on Saturn. The storm first developed in December 2010, and this mosaic captures how it appeared ...

Tilted suns

( —The Earth's axis of rotation is tilted 23.4 degrees to its orbital motion around the Sun (more precisely, its spin axis has a tilt of 23.4 degrees with respect to the axis of its orbit). This tilt, which causes ...

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