Visualizing spin angular momentum in water waves

Water waves can be used to visualize fundamental concepts, such as spin angular momentum, that arise in relativistic field theory, RIKEN physicists have shown. This will help to provide new insights into very different wave ...

Binary black hole spin behavior revealed using novel techniques

Research done at Cornell University has uncovered from gravitation wave data the first potential signs of spin-orbit resonances in binary black holes, a step toward understanding the mechanisms of supernovas and other big ...

Physicists discover special transverse sound wave

Can you imagine sound traveling in the same way as light does? A research team at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has discovered a new type of sound wave: The airborne sound wave vibrates transversely and carries both ...

Trapping spins with sound

The captured electrons typically absorb light in the visible spectrum, so that a transparent material becomes colored under the presence of such centers, for instance in diamond. "Color centers are often coming along with ...

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