A direct view on spin-waves

Spin-waves are promising candidates for future information processing schemes as there is almost no frictional heating in magnetic transport. Information encoding, however, is only possible in spin-wave packets. A group of ...

Researchers present new findings on magnetic spin waves

An international team of researchers gained new insights into magnetic spin waves. Spin waves can evolve in electrically non-conducting materials given a specific temperature gradient and then be converted into electrical ...

Researchers create focused spin wave beams

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg Physics Department have finally found the secret to synchronize an unlimited number of spintronic oscillators. Such devices are very promising for future applications requiring ...

Indications of the origin of the Spin Seebeck effect discovered

The recovery of waste heat in all kinds of processes poses one of the main challenges of our time to making established processes more energy-efficient and thus more environmentally friendly. The Spin Seebeck effect (SSE) ...

Spin pumping effect proven for the first time

German physicists led by Prof. Dr. Hartmut Zabel have demonstrated the spin pumping effect in magnetic layers for the first time experimentally. The behaviour of the spin pumping had previously only been predicted theoretically. ...

Uncovering the secrets of spin-orbit optical Rabi oscillations

The Rabi oscillation has been proven to be one of the cornerstones of quantum mechanics, triggering substantial investigations in different disciplines including atomic and molecular physics, acoustics, and optics. Various ...

Squeezing microwave fields by magnetostrictive interaction

Squeezed states of the electromagnetic field find many important applications in quantum information science and quantum metrology. Dr. Jie Li et al. at Zhejiang University put forward a new mechanism for preparing microwave ...

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