Related topics: oil

Is oil spill also fouling the air?

( -- UCI researchers find disturbing amounts of certain gases above massive Gulf slick. More study is needed.

Why do we still have offshore oil wells? How do they work?

The oil spill that's fouling Southern California beaches has many Californians wondering why the state still has offshore oil wells more than 50 years after the state declared an end to new drilling, and more than 35 years ...

North Sea oil leak biggest in decade: Britain

An oil spill from a platform off Scotland in the North Sea is the biggest in the region in a decade, the British government said Monday as energy giant Shell battled to close off the leak completely.

Novel oil spill cleanup technology successfully tested

Tests conducted last week of a novel technology that can greatly accelerate the combustion of crude oil floating on water demonstrated its potential to become an effective tool for minimizing the environmental impact of future ...

Fishing ban imposed in oil-affected Gulf of Mexico

Louisiana's 2.4-billion-dollar a year commercial and recreational fishing industry is dealt its first major blow from the oil spill as the US government bans activities for 10 days due to health concerns.

Montana, Exxon Mobil split over river oil spill

(AP) -- Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer has decided Exxon Mobil and the state don't make good roommates after nearly a week of working together in close quarters to clean up an estimated 42,000 gallons of crude oil released ...

Lessons learned from the two worst oils spills in U.S. history

One year after the notorious BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and two decades after the Exxon Valdez spill in Prince William Sound off the coast of Alaska the scientific lesson is clear – microbes ...

Researchers create antimicrobial 'superfoam'

A versatile new foam material developed by researchers at the University of Georgia could significantly reduce health care-related infections caused by implanted medical devices—or drastically improve cleanup efforts following ...

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