Commodity market volatility more perception than reality

When grain and other commodity prices experienced explosive episodes between 2004 and 2013, the finger pointed toward index traders as the cause. University of Illinois researchers identified and date-stamped both upward ...

Thailand flooding could affect PC supplies, prices

(AP) -- The personal computer industry, already reeling from depressed demand, has been dealt another setback: Massive flooding in Thailand has curtailed production of a critical component - computer storage drives.

Scientists flag global food pricing too hot to ignore

A paper on the surge in world food prices is calling on private and public policy makers to recognize the serious impact that price spikes in food bring to the world’s most vulnerable populations.

Herschel readies itself for the Orion Nebula (w/ Video)

( -- ESA's Herschel observatory is back to full operation following the reactivation of its HiFi instrument. HiFi, having been offline for 160 days while engineers investigated an unexpected problem in the electronic ...

'Uncharted 2' nabs top prize at VGAs

(AP) -- The cinematic action adventure "Uncharted 2: Among Thieves" nabbed three prizes including game of the year at the Spike TV Video Game Awards.

Three reforms to protect California's cap-and-trade policy

California's landmark cap-and-trade system for regulating greenhouse gases could be vulnerable to price spikes and market manipulation, according to a new study released by scholars affiliated with the Energy Institute at ...

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