Hackers claim hit on CIA website (Update 2)

A hacker group was brazenly ramping up its antics as waves of cyberattacks targeting even the US spy agency expose how poorly defended many networks are against Internet marauders.

Report: NSA broke into Yahoo, Google data centers (Update 2)

The National Security Agency has secretly broken into the main communications links that connect Yahoo and Google data centers around the world, a newspaper reported, citing documents obtained from former NSA contractor Edward ...

Eyes, ears of US military take shape in high-tech labs

A Global Hawk robotic plane, hovering more than 11 miles above Afghanistan, can snap images of Taliban hide-outs so crystal clear that U.S. intelligence officials can make out the pickup trucks parked nearby - and how long ...

US, Iran dig in for long cyber war

The United States and Iran are locked in a long-running cyber war that appears to be escalating amid a stalemate over Tehran's disputed nuclear program.

Japan launches 5th spy satellite

(AP) -- Japan launched its fifth spy satellite into orbit Saturday in a bid to boost its ability to independently gather intelligence, the government said.

Lighting up a protein called Spy

(PhysOrg.com) -- James Bond frequently has to undertake spectacular feats to protect Queen and country against utter destruction under insurmountable odds. But what happens when the homeland is a bacterial cell, and the danger ...

3G protocols come up short in privacy, say researchers

(Phys.org)—Researchers from the UK and Germany have found that 3G telephony systems pose a security weakness that results in threats to user privacy. The weakness makes it possible for stalkers to trace and identify subscribers. ...

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