Discerning males remain faithful

Discerning males remain faithful ... if you are a spider. Sex for male orb web spiders (Argiope bruennichi) is a two shot affair since the act of mating destroys their genitalia. If they survive being eaten during their first ...

Spider signal threads reveal remote sensing design secrets

When you look at a spider web in the garden, one thing is often noticeably absent: the spider. This may be because it is lurking away from the web in a 'retreat', where it can monitor web vibrations through a proxy known ...

Study shows how giraffe assassin bugs outwit spider prey

(Phys.org)—A biologist at Macquarie University in Australia has discovered the secret behind the giraffe assassin's ability to catch and kill spiders in their webs. In his paper published on the open access site Royal Society ...

What makes Spider-Man's web so strong?

Spider-Man's webs are pretty impressive, capable of supporting Spidey's weight as he swings through New York, trapping super-villains and even suspending cars above city streets. What are they made of? And how are they made?

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