Spider DNA spurs search into arachnid secrets

Scientists on Tuesday published the first spider genome, helping the quest to uncover secrets which could lead to smarter insecticides and man-made super-strong spider silk.

Spider's double beating heart revealed by MRI

Researchers have used a specialised Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner on tarantulas for the first time, giving unprecedented videos of a tarantula's heart beating.

We shouldn't fear the big, bad wolf spider

Longtime University of Cincinnati professor George Uetz studies how the environment influences the evolution of behavior through researching animal behavior and ecology. Uetz's research focuses on spiders, in particular wolf ...

Seeking a treatment for IBS pain in tarantula venom

For patients who have inflammatory bowel syndrome (IBS), the condition is literally a pain in the gut. Chronic—or long-term—abdominal pain is common, and there are currently no effective treatment options for this debilitating ...

Spider venom for therapeutics and bioinsecticides

The venom of a single spider can contain up to 3000 components. These components, mostly peptides, can be used to develop promising drug leads for the treatment of diseases. Spider venom can also be used as a biological pesticide. ...

Resistance shapes the discovery of new insecticides

Recent news around the world has focused on the dangers of antibiotic resistance. But what of another type of resistance which can also have a huge impact on the population: that to insecticides?

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