Earth's outer core deprived of oxygen: study

The composition of the Earth's core remains a mystery. Scientists know that the liquid outer core consists mainly of iron, but it is believed that small amounts of some other elements are present as well. Oxygen is the most ...

When Concorde first took to the sky 50 years ago

When the misty skies cleared over southern France on the afternoon of Sunday March 2, 1969, the green light was signalled for the highly anticipated first ever flight of the Concorde.

Commercial supersonic aircraft could return to the skies

Flying faster than the speed of sound still sounds futuristic for regular people, more than 15 years after the last commercial supersonic flights ended. The planes that made those journeys, the 14 aircraft collectively known ...

Uncorking champagne bottle produces supersonic shock waves

Opening a bottle of champagne traditionally marks the beginning of a festive celebration. Following the fun pop of the cork, a fizz of bubbles releases into the air, and finally, there is the pleasant tingle on the tongue.

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