There's a speed limit to the pace of evolution, biologists say

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania have developed a theoretical model that informs the understanding of evolution and determines how quickly an organism will evolve using a catalogue of "evolutionary speed limits." ...

MIT takes aim at ‘phantom’ traffic jams

( -- Countless hours are lost in traffic jams every year. Most frustrating of all are those jams with no apparent cause — no accident, no stalled vehicle, no lanes closed for construction.

Traffic jams follow explosive pattern, says researcher (w/Video)

( -- Picture this next time you're stuck in traffic: Thousands of wildebeests loping across the Serengeti Plain when suddenly a few spooked animals turn the orderly migration into a sea of locked horns, U-turns, ...

Ground Control to Major Tom: London ISA Catches Speeders

An Intelligent Speed Adaption (ISA) system is being tested by the London for Transport (TfL). The eye-in-the-sky ISA system relies on a computer installed in the vehicle with pre-loaded speed limit road data that is monitored ...

How to test whether we're living in a computer simulation

Physicists have long struggled to explain why the universe started out with conditions suitable for life to evolve. Why do the physical laws and constants take the very specific values that allow stars, planets and ultimately ...

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