Related topics: brain

Bionic speech recognition

As speech recognition systems become more commonplace - on the computer desktop top, at the call centre and even in the car - it is increasingly important to ensure that the voice signal is as clear as possible before it ...

Speech Synthesizer Helps Movie Critic

The voices you hear on message services are often created artificially by fitting together short audio snippets from a large library of vocalized words and sounds. Scientists are now moving beyond the older generic voices ...

New research advances voice security technology

Most people are familiar with security technology that scans a person's handprint or eye for identification purposes. Now, thanks in part to research from North Carolina State University, we are closer to practical technology ...

Researchers examine correlation between political speeches, voting

Although politicians are often criticized for making empty promises, when it comes to their voting records, their words may carry more weight than previously thought, according to findings by two Penn State information technology ...

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