Related topics: brain

Zuckerberg says US govt inaction allowed fake news to spread

Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg said Wednesday that a lack of action by US authorities on fake political content on the platform after the 2016 US election helped pave the way for a subsequent avalanche of online disinformation.

One class in all languages

Advances in communication technology have had a major impact in all sorts of industries, but perhaps none bigger than in education. Now, anyone from around the world can listen live to a Nobel Prize laureate lecture or earn ...

Amid privacy firestorm, Facebook curbs research tool

Facebook has curbed access to a controversial feature allowing searches of the vast content within the social network—a tool which raised privacy concerns but was also used for research and investigative journalism.

Sensing food textures is a matter of pressure

Food's texture affects whether it is eaten, liked or rejected, according to Penn State researchers, who say some people are better at detecting even minor differences in consistency because their tongues can perceive particle ...

Facebook's Zuckerberg is the focus of latest doctored video

Three weeks after Facebook refused to remove a doctored video of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slurring her words, Mark Zuckerberg is getting a taste of his own medicine: fake footage showing him gloating over his one-man domination ...

Machine learning for sensors

Today microcontrollers can be found in almost any technical device, from washing machines to blood pressure meters and wearables. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Microelectronic Circuits and Systems IMS have developed ...

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