Mathematicians simulate origin and evolution of biodiversity

Wageningen scientists have simulated the evolution of biodiversity through a mathematical approach. In doing so, they proved the long-held belief among biologists that biodiversity creates robust ecosystems. The researchers ...

Study provides framework for assessing emotions in wild animals

A world-first holistic framework for assessing the mental and psychological well-being of wild animals has been developed by UTS Chancellor's Postdoctoral Research Fellow Dr. Andrea Harvey, a veterinarian and animal welfare ...

New plant species from La Mancha, Spain, named for Don Quixote

The knowledge of biodiversity in allegedly well-known places is not as complete as one would expect, and its detailed study by researchers continues to offer surprises. These are the findings from a new study of the flora ...

How non-native tree species affect biodiversity

Non-native forest tree species can reduce native species diversity if they are planted in uniform stands. In contrast, the effects of introduced species on soil properties are small. This was found by an international review ...

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