Hackers hitting Macs with virus: industry experts

The computer security industry buzzed Thursday with warnings that more than a half-million Macintosh computers may have been infected with a virus targeting Apple machines.

Hacker drone launches airborne cyber attacks

Computer security specialists showed off a homemade drone aircraft Friday capable of launching airborne cyber attacks, hijacking mobile phone calls, or even delivering a dirty bomb.

Hacker group claims hit on US defense contractor

Hacker group Anonymous released a trove of military email addresses and passwords it claimed to have plundered from the network of US defense consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton.

New research helps predict stock market

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers from Massey University have developed a new way to predict stock markets that has been recognised with an award from New Zealand finance specialists.

Greater comfort for cyclists

Cycling is healthy, keeps the body supple, exercises the joints and strengthens the back. A company that places great value on comfort is Ergon International GmbH, which manufactures ergonomic bicycle accessories. Handlebar ...

Insect species that prefer crops prosper while majority decline

Many species of flower-visiting insect are in trouble in Britain, according to a new report from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (CEH) near Oxford, which drew on almost 750,000 observations of insects between 1980 and ...

The endangered species list: counting lemurs in Madagascar

Most people are familiar with the endangered species list. Officially known as the IUCN Red List of threatened species, it's coordinated by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and provides the most ...

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