Cosmic rays may be key to understanding galactic dynamics

Cosmic rays are charged subnuclear particles that move close to the speed of light, constantly raining down on the Earth. These particles are relativistic, as defined by Albert Einstein's special relativity, and manage to ...

Science shows why Doctor Who is so special

As Doctor Who's 50th anniversary looms, time travel is everywhere – on the screen, at least. Famously, the Doctor can whizz through the years using a "dimensionally transcendental" machine, the TARDIS, and make changes ...

Grasshopper jumping on Bloch sphere finds new quantum insights

New research at the University of Warwick has (pardon the pun) put a new spin on a mathematical analogy involving a jumping grasshopper and its ideal lawn shape. This work could help us understand the spin states of quantum-entangled ...

New quantum materials offer novel route to 3-D electronic devices

Researchers have shown how the principles of general relativity open the door to novel electronic applications such as a three-dimensional electron lens and electronic invisibility devices. In a new study funded by the Academy ...

Relativistic effects on long-range interactions between objects

A team led by researchers María José Caturla and Carlos Untiedt, from the University of Alicante Department of Applied Physics, have studied the importance of relativistic effects on long-range interactions between objects. ...

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