Climate change tipping points may be too simple a concept

We regularly hear warnings that climate change may lead to 'tipping points': irreversible situations where savanna can quickly change into desert, or the warm gulf stream current can simply stop flowing. These cautions often ...

Global silicate weathering carbon sink has huge potential

The silicate carbon weathering sink (SCS) is the net carbon sink that affects the global carbon cycle over a period of millions of years or more. However, the magnitude, spatial pattern and evolution characteristics of global ...

Evolution makes the world less ragged

How does evolution impact ecological patterns? It helps smooth out the rough edges, says UConn Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Professor Mark Urban. Urban led an international team of researchers through a review of the ...

Blurry imaging limits clarified thanks to information technology

Although we're told a picture speaks a thousand words, that cliché seriously underestimates the value of a good image. Our understanding of how the world works is simplified by our ability to turn data into images. Imaging ...

Recovering color images from scattered light

Engineers at Duke University have developed a method for extracting a color image from a single exposure of light scattered through a mostly opaque material. The technique has applications in a wide range of fields from healthcare ...

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