Sensitive ecosystems at risk from mine waste, finds study

Nearly a third of the world's mine tailings are stored within or near protected conservation areas, University of Queensland research has found. A study led by UQ's Bora Aska, from the Sustainable Minerals Institute and School ...

In 2020, 30% of the Pantanal was burned to cinders by wildfires

In 2020, the Pantanal, the largest tropical freshwater wetland in the world and a biodiversity hotspot, was swept by high-intensity fires that destroyed native vegetation in an area totaling 44,998 square kilometers, or about ...

The thinnest CD-RW: Atomic-scale data storage possible

Using a focused laser beam, scientists can manipulate properties of nanomaterials, thus 'writing' information onto monolayer materials. By this means, the thinnest light disk at atomic level was demonstrated.

A high-throughput AI method for leaf counting

In cereal crops, the number of new leaves each plant produces is used to study the periodic events that constitute the biological life cycle of the crop. The conventional method of determining leaf numbers involves manual ...

Astronomers detect dust feature in comet ISON's inner coma

In April, when the Hubble Space Telescope looked out towards Jupiter's orbit and observed what has been billed as the "Comet of the Century" – Comet C/2012 S1 ISON – the space telescope photographed a unique feature in ...

Planning greener, healthier cities from the data up

A new study by the University of South Australia indicates important gaps in urban planning data need to be addressed to ensure key development decisions are evidence-based.

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