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Asteroid-smashing NASA probe sent boulders into space

When a NASA spacecraft successfully knocked an asteroid off course last year it sent dozens of boulders skittering into space, images from the Hubble telescope showed on Thursday.

India launches cut-price mission to land on Moon

India launched a rocket on Friday carrying an unmanned spacecraft to land on the Moon, its second attempt to do so as its cut-price space program seeks to reach new heights.

Solving the RIME deployment mystery on ESA's Juice mission

When the RIME antenna on ESA's Juice mission failed to deploy a few days after launch, the engineering teams faced the mighty challenge of understanding the fault and rectifying it. At stake was a chance to see inside Jupiter's ...

Sun releases strong solar flare

The sun emitted a strong solar flare, peaking at 7:14 p.m. ET on July 2, 2023. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, which watches the sun constantly, captured an image of the event.

Gravity goes lunar: Putting LESA to the test

Looking to the not-too-distant future when the European Service Module will propel European astronauts in the Orion spacecraft to the Gateway and on to the surface of the moon, scientists and engineers are eagerly exploring ...

Handing over European service module for Artemis II

Yesterday, ESA formally gave possession of the second European Service Module to NASA for the Artemis II mission that will see four astronauts circle our moon and return to Earth.

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