Related topics: space

Protecting astronauts from space radiation

(—The complexities of traveling to and working in space present challenges to astronauts that NASA scientists and engineers have been working on since Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin first stepped on the moon more ...

Space freighter undocking set for Friday

The undocking of a supply craft from the International Space Station (ISS) will take place Friday after a three-day delay, the European Space Agency (ESA) said.

NASA shows first 'crime scene' photo of Mars landing

About 36 hours after NASA landed its $2.5 billion rover on Mars, it released Tuesday what it jokingly dubbed a "crime scene" aerial shot of where the parachute, heat shield and vehicle came down.

China to launch space station's first module

China said Tuesday it will launch its Tiangong-1 space module later this month, marking its first step towards building a Chinese space station.

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