Related topics: international space station

Boeing unveils its commercial capsule spacecraft

( -- Boeing unveiled its plans for a capsule spacecraft for ferrying astronauts and cargo to space stations at the biennial Farnborough International Air Show in the UK on July 19th. The craft is designed to fill ...

New cellular protective mechanism discovered

A vast number of biological reactions occur inside cells, generating various byproducts. Some of these can be highly reactive molecules, and if they build up inside cells they can cause stress and damage. One class of these ...

Lever under scrutiny in Virgin spaceship disaster (Update)

A prematurely deployed slowing device could "well be" behind the Virgin Galactic spaceship crash, Virgin's boss Richard Branson said Monday while hitting out at "hurtful" critics and "self-proclaimed experts."

Probe of US spaceship crash may take a 'year' (Update)

Authorities who Saturday carried out their first full day of investigation into a US spacecraft crash that killed one pilot and seriously injured another said probing the incident could take a year.

Crowd called to power Hyperloop high-speed transport

The Internet crowd on Thursday was called on to make real Elon Musk's vision of a Hyperloop transport system that carries passengers in pressurized tubes at near-supersonic speeds.

Could plasma jet thrusters 'kickstart' interplanetary travel?

A great offshoot from commercial space companies getting a foothold in real missions to orbit is that the old entrepreneurial space spirit seems to have been revived. People are attempting to develop and build what could ...

IBM looks to take pain out of parking

US technology stalwart IBM and Internet startup Streetline on Wednesday will begin courting cities with a system designed to take the pain out of parking.

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