How will sequestration affect NASA?

It seems the US in not going to avoid the sequester—the $85 billion worth of federal spending cuts due to kick in March 1, 2013. There will be across the board cuts to government agencies, applying equally to defense and ...

Scientists develop new model to measure vehicle emissions

(—A team of researchers in Boston University's Department of Earth and Environment have developed a new, bottom-up model for measuring on-road vehicle emissions. The model will be used in Massachusetts to more ...

New technologies deployed to counter the threat of GPS jamming

The first profile of the perpetrators of GPS jamming on British roads will be presented today alongside research results that confirm it is these small device, available online for as little as £30, rather extreme solar ...

IBM looks to take pain out of parking

US technology stalwart IBM and Internet startup Streetline on Wednesday will begin courting cities with a system designed to take the pain out of parking.

NASA satellite to crash into Earth Friday

A six-ton satellite hurtled toward Earth on Friday, and NASA admitted it had little idea where the biggest piece of US space junk in 30 years will crash into the planet.

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