Why can't we design the perfect spacesuit?

So far, every spacesuit humans have utilized has been designed with a specific mission and purpose in mind. As of yet, there's been no universal or "perfect" spacesuit that would fit every need. For example, the US ACES "pumpkin" ...

Space suit leak happened before, NASA admits

A US-made space suit that leaked water into a helmet and threatened to drown a European astronaut had malfunctioned before, NASA admitted on Wednesday.

Underwater astronaut on the Moon

ESA astronaut Jean-François Clervoy and ESA astronaut instructor Hervé Stevenin slipped into the roles of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin last week for an underwater simulation of the historic mission to the Moon.

Mars food study researchers emerge from dome (Update 3)

Six researchers have spent the past four months living in a small dome on a barren Hawaii lava field at 8,000 feet (2,400 meters), trying to figure out what foods astronauts might eat on Mars and during deep-space missions.

Space art eyes creativity in tech at Smithsonian

(AP)—The familiar exteriors of astronauts' space suits often hide all of the ingenuity and mechanics that are built inside and were first imagined as "wearable spacecraft."

Austrian daredevil eyes new space jump at weekend

An Austrian daredevil hopes to make a new record-breaking attempt to jump from the edge of space Sunday, after his initial launch bid was aborted due to gusting winds, organizers said.

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