Providing nature-based solutions for landscape sustainability

There is growing recognition that bringing more natural features and processes to cities could help tackle climate change, support economic growth and enhance human well-being. Nature-based solutions like green roofs and ...

What are the hidden benefits of green infrastructure?

Around 72 percent of New York City's land is covered in an impervious layer of concrete, living up to its hype as the "concrete jungle" that Alicia Keys and Jay-Z sang about in "Empire State of Mind." This city might be "where ...

Drought: A wide-angle picture

Disastrous droughts are striking widespread areas of the world, from South Africa to American West. Benjamin Cook, a research scientist at the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies and Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty ...

Mixed-cation perovskite solar cells in space

With the continuous improvement of efficiency and stability, perovskite solar cells are gradually approaching practical applications. PSCs may show the special application in space where oxygen and moisture (two major stressors ...

CU-Boulder to build $6 million instrument for NASA lunar orbiter

The University of Colorado at Boulder has been awarded a $6 million grant from NASA to build a high-tech lunar dust detector for a 2011 mission to orbit the moon and conduct science investigations of the dusty lunar surface ...

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