NASA calls on SpaceX to send astronauts to ISS

SpaceX received orders Friday from the US space agency to send astronauts to the International Space Station in the coming years, helping restore US access to space, NASA said.

Journaling: Astronauts chronicle missions

LOG ENTRY: SOL 25—Remember those old math questions you had in Algebra class? Where water is entering a container at a certain rate and leaving at a different rate and you need to figure out when it'll be empty? Well, that ...

Video: Hubble's Tinkertoy solution

In April 1990, workers at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Florida, were packing up a very special shipment to be delivered via Space Shuttle to low-Earth orbit - the Hubble Space Telescope. One helpful engineer ...

Don't make us hitch rides with Russia: NASA chief

The head of NASA appealed to Congress on Friday to put more money into restoring America's ability to send astronauts into space instead of relying on Russian rockets.

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