Endeavour launch postponed due to hydrogen leak

The US space agency has postponed Saturday's launch of the space shuttle Endeavour due to a hydrogen leak -- in a setback for a mission aimed at completing the 100-billion-dollar International Space Station.

TDRS-4 mission complete; spacecraft retired from active service

The Tracking and Data Relay Satellite 4 (TDRS-4) recently completed almost 23 years of operations support and successfully completed end-of-mission de-orbit and decommissioning activities. TDRS-4's operational life span was ...

Shuttle monument dedicated in Florida

A 15-foot (4.4-meter)-tall shuttle monument of stainless steel and granite has been unveiled on Florida's Space Coast.

US private rocket readies key demonstration launch

American firm SpaceX readied Tuesday the first demonstration launch of its Falcon 9 rocket to low Earth orbit for NASA's Commercial Orbital Transportation Services program next week.

Russian cargo ship launched to space station

A Russian cargo ship was launched successfully to the International Space Station on Sunday, clearing the way for the next manned mission and easing concerns about the station's future after a previous failed launch.

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