Space shuttle landing held up by stormy weather

(AP) -- Thunderstorms raking NASA's spaceport kept space shuttle Atlantis in orbit an extra day Friday, giving the crew unwanted downtime as they aimed for a landing the next day. After passing up two opportunities to land ...

NASA sets final space shuttle mission for June 28

Despite budget uncertainties, NASA on Thursday announced plans to send the space shuttle Atlantis on the final mission of the US program June 28, after which the famed fleet will be retired.

NASA on track for Monday space shuttle launch

(AP) -- NASA has cleared space shuttle Atlantis for liftoff Monday on a trip to stock up the International Space Station with several years' worth of spare parts.

NASA fuels space shuttle Atlantis for final voyage

(AP) -- NASA fueled space shuttle Atlantis on Friday for its final journey, a delivery trip to the International Space Station that will provide fresh batteries and extra room.

Shuttle Enterprise to fly over New York

The US space shuttle Enterprise on Friday leaves the US capital atop a Boeing 747 jet for a final flyover of New York City as it heads toward a museum where it will go on display.

Final trek for space shuttle Atlantis (Update 2)

(AP)—Accompanied by a fleet of astronauts spanning NASA's entire existence, Atlantis made a slow, solemn journey to retirement Friday, the last space shuttle to orbit the world and the last to leave NASA's nest.

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