NASA's space station laser comm terminal achieves first link

A NASA technology experiment on the International Space Station completed its first laser link with an in-orbit laser relay system on Dec. 5, 2023. Together, they complete NASA's first two-way, end-to-end laser relay system.

Euclid mission releases its first images

The Euclid mission, which will investigate the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy, released its first five science images Tuesday, Nov. 7. The observatory, led by ESA (European Space Agency) with NASA contributions, ...

NASA's new greenhouse gas detector moves closer to launch

A state-of-the-art imaging spectrometer, which will measure the greenhouse gases methane and carbon dioxide from space, moved closer to launch this month after being delivered to a clean room at Planet Labs PBC (Planet) in ...

Solar system fingerprints found in memories of ESA flotilla

Memories of solar impact from seven ESA spacecraft have been collected and analyzed in a first-of-its-kind study to better understand the radiation environment in space. Huge amounts of engineering data has been used to reveal ...

After capturing image of black hole, what's next?

A group of international researchers led by the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard and Smithsonian (CfA) achieved the once-unimaginable four years ago: using a groundbreaking telescope to capture an image of a black hole.

The Mars Sample Return mission is starting to look expensive

Getting to space is hard. It's even more hard to do new and interesting things in space. And when projects get hard, that usually means they cost more money. That is certainly the case for one of the most anticipated missions ...

New mass spectrometer for NASA's Europa Clipper mission

A groundbreaking new mass spectrometer designed and built by Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) has been delivered for integration onto NASA's Europa Clipper spacecraft. Scheduled to launch in 2024 and arrive in the Jovian ...

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