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European asteroid smasher could bolster planetary defense

Planetary Defense is a concept very few people heard of or took seriously – that is until last week's humongous and totally unexpected meteor explosion over Russia sent millions of frightened residents ducking for cover, ...

Time for Europe to beef up asteroid vigilance, ESA says

Europe must strengthen its watch for dangerous space rocks, the head of the European Space Agency's asteroid surveillance programme said Thursday, a week after a meteor struck Russia in a blinding fireball.

Scientists claim discovery of Russian meteorites

Scientists announced the discovery Monday of dozens of tiny fragments of a massive meteor whose ground-shaking shockwave hurt 1,200 people and damaged buildings across five regions of Russia.

Russia halts search for meteorite

Russian authorities halted their search Sunday for the meteorite that spectacularly struck the Urals last week, leaving about 1,200 people injured and damaging several thousand buildings.

2 space rocks hours apart point up the danger

(AP)—A space rock even bigger than the meteor that exploded like an atom bomb over Russia could drop out of the sky unannounced at any time and wreak havoc on a city. And Hollywood to the contrary, there isn't much the ...

Sky fall: Meteorites strike Earth every few months

(AP)—A meteor exploded in the sky above Russia's Ural Mountains on Friday, causing a shockwave that blew out countless windows and injured hundreds of people with flying glass. Here's a look at those objects in the sky:

Toll from Russia meteor strike 'unprecedented'

A meteor strike in central Russia on Friday that left hundreds of people injured is the biggest known human toll from a space rock, a British expert said.

Stranger in the night: space rock to make close Earth flyby

(—A little-known asteroid will skim past Earth on 15 February, passing just 28 000 km from our planet. The 50 m-diameter chunk of space rock was discovered last year by ESA-sponsored amateur astronomers in Spain.

Mercury's crust likely made of magnesium-rich basalt

With both x-ray and gamma-ray spectrometers, the MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry and Ranging probe (MESSENGER), which entered orbit around Mercury in 2011, is well equipped for carrying out a detailed compositional ...

US company aims to 'harvest' asteroids

A US company said Tuesday it plans to send a fleet of spacecraft into the solar system to mine asteroids for metals and other materials in the hopes of furthering exploration of the final frontier.

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