New hyperspectral imager launched to International Space Station

Following a fast-paced 16 month design and development process, NRL's Remote Sensing and Space Science Divisions and the Naval Center for Space Technology provide the first-ever high quality and real-time monitoring of space ...

Astronauts move old space station docking port

(AP) -- Astronauts did some rearranging at the International Space Station for the second night in a row Monday, moving an old docking adapter into a new position.

Radio galaxies in the distant universe

( -- For over a decade astronomers have been probing a region of the northern sky, not far from the handle of the Big Dipper, that is relatively free of bright stars and the diffuse glow of the Milky Way. The scientists ...

European satellite to crash back to Earth within week

A large satellite which ended its mission 13 years ago will come crashing down to Earth in an uncontrolled manner within the next week, but there is almost zero chance it will hurt anyone, the European Space Agency has said.

GOES-R satellite begins environmental testing

The GOES-R satellite, slated to launch in 2016, is ready for environmental testing. Environmental testing simulates the harsh conditions of launch and the space environment once the satellite is in orbit. The GOES-R satellite ...

CubeSats launched from the space station

Five tiny CubeSats were deployed from the International Space Station on Thursday and astronaut Chris Hadfield called the image above "surreal" on Twitter. And rightly so, as they look like a cross between Star Wars training ...

European team creates universal 'language' for space science

A consortium of European space scientists has succeeded in establishing a common data hub that allows the comparison of data from numerous space missions. A task that until now was hampered by different data processing protocols ...

Obama lays out new US space policy

President Barack Obama on Monday laid out an overarching new US policy on outer space, calling for more international and private sector cooperation on exploration, climate change and orbiting debris.

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