Slow and steady wilting makes for better soybeans

Unpredictable rain is just one of the many challenges soybean producers face every year. However, certain soybean varieties may be better at tolerating an extended period of dry weather than others. Researchers with the University ...

Soybean seeding rates and risk

To some, farming might seem simple: plant seeds, help them grow, then sell the product. But the reality is much different. Farming requires many complex decisions throughout the year.

Fungus application thwarts major soybean pest, study finds

The soybean cyst nematode sucks the nutrients out of soybean roots, causing more than $1 billion in soybean yield losses in the U.S. each year. A new study finds that one type of fungi can cut the nematodes' reproductive ...

Ragweed casts shade on soy production

Ragweed, its pollen potent to allergy sufferers, might be more than a source of sneezes. In the Midwest, the plant may pose a threat to soybean production.

Fixing soybean's need for nitrogen

Soybean is rich in protein, which is great for the humans and animals eating it. But this high protein content comes at a cost.

Lightening up soybean leaves may boost food supply

A new university-led study has shown that lightening the color of soybean leaves may increase the growth and yield of this major world food crop. The finding offers a strategy to help address Earth's future food needs.

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