Australian sheep get high and die on toxic weed

When Australian farmer Tony Knight first saw a purple-flowering plant growing across the bushfire-scarred terrain where his sheep grazed, his first thought was that it looked like "good stock feed".

Ubisoft apologises for Australian stunt bomb scare

French video game developer Ubisoft apologised "unreservedly" on Thursday after an Australian office was evacuated and a police bomb squad called out in a public relations stunt gone wrong.

Rainforest essential for world's smallest kangaroo

( —The discovery of musky rat-kangaroo fossils has prompted experts to call for better protection of tropical rainforests after new links show the tiny marsupial cannot survive outside that environment.

The rise of police PR

Police PR is increasingly bypassing traditional news outlets by turning to social media and reality television, according to Associate Professor Murray Lee.

Polluted rivers still a threat to city wildlife

In recent years, cleaner waters have heralded the return of a number of species to urban waterways right across Britain. But according to new research, carried out on a South Wales population of Eurasian dippers, this has ...

Numerical model aids in gold hunt 

A local mining company has begun gold production in New South Wales as a part of a $166 million project boosted by advanced numerical modelling by CSIRO scientists to increase gold-finding efficiency.

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