Who do Australians trust on 'toxic news'?

State governments and industry need to lift their game if they are to win public trust and support for the clean-up of polluted industrial sites in the local neighbourhood.

Accountancy stereotypes add up to stable profession

The media is littered with celebrity trainers, bakers, nutritionists, even gardeners. But, one profession is always missing from the roster - the celebrity accountant. The reason is most likely due to the negative stereotypes ...

Good luck and the Chinese reverse global forest loss

Analysis of 20 years of satellite data has revealed the total amount of vegetation globally has increased by almost 4 billion tonnes of carbon since 2003. This is despite ongoing large-scale deforestation in the tropics.

Turtle extinction event bodes ill for our waterways

A number of distressed and dead turtles were found by canoeists in the Bellinger River on the north coast of New South Wales on Wednesday February 18 this year. At that time, it was reported by NSW National Parks and Wildlife ...

Dazzled by the bright Southern Lights

The past week saw a fantastic treat for aurora watchers. Generally it is the southern part of the country, Tasmania in particular, that sees the most impressive displays. But this aurora has been so intense that it was even ...

Vets warn of paralysis ticks

Vets at the Murdoch Pet Emergency Centre (MPEC) are warning of potentially fatal toxicity in pets due to a sudden increase in paralysis tick cases.

High school study in maths declining among prospective teachers

Maths and science participation among New South Wales HSC students has declined starkly over the past decade, which in turn is leading to fewer teachers with this crucial background for their work in schools, according to ...

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