Tintinnid ciliates can act as warm eddy bioindicators

Planktonic ciliates consist of tintinnid and aloricate ciliates. Tintinnid clliates are sensitive to environmental changes, thus they can act as effective bioindicators in different seas.

Rare, pristine coral reef found off Tahiti coast

Deep in the South Pacific, scientists have explored a rare stretch of pristine corals shaped like roses off the coast of Tahiti. The reef is thought to be one of the largest found at such depths and seems untouched by climate ...

Understanding how to build resilient fisheries

A new decision-making framework designed by an international team of fisheries researchers can help fisheries bolster their ability to adapt to a warming world. The tool, said marine ecologist Jacob Eurich at UC Santa Barbara's ...

A new model of coral reef health

Scientists have developed a new way to model and map the health of coral reef ecosystems using data collected on the Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation's Global Reef Expedition. This innovative method, presented today ...

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