Exploring Earth's mantle through microseisms

The ocean is constantly whirring with activity. The pressure from this constant roiling and swelling is one cause of microseisms—random, nearly imperceptible vibrations of Earth that also can be produced by human activities ...

French leader goes green to woo Pacific islands

France's President Emmanuel Macron stripped off his suit jacket Friday to wander the wild forests of Papua New Guinea on a green-tinted charm offensive in the South Pacific.

One dead as typhoon Doksuri batters Philippines

A powerful storm pounded the northern Philippines on Wednesday, killing at least one person, toppling trees and knocking out power as thousands sheltered with neighbors or in emergency evacuation centers.

Marine fossils unearth story about Panama's deep past

Between 6.4 and 5.8 million years ago, most of the land bridge that connects North and South America had already emerged and the channels connecting both Pacific and Atlantic oceans were shallow. Recent fossil discoveries ...

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