Coral reefs in hot water as warming events slow recovery

As the world's oceans heat up with climate change, coral reefs are increasingly under threat. Bleaching events—defense mechanisms against high temperatures that turn corals white—have become more frequent.

New method measures rare traces of a volatile gas

The gas nitrogen monoxide (NO) belongs to the group of nitrogen oxides, infamous as toxic emissions in urban agglomerations. But NO is also produced in nature and plays a role in the nitrogen cycle, which is essential for ...

How a 'shadow zone' traps the world's oldest ocean water

New research from an international team has revealed why the oldest water in the ocean in the North Pacific has remained trapped in a shadow zone around 2km below the sea surface for over 1000 years.

Hurricanes and typhoons: cyclones by another name

No matter what they are called—cyclones, hurricanes or typhoons—the giant tropical storms that form in oceans near the Americas and Asia can be deadly, destructive and terrifyingly capricious.

What's a total solar eclipse and why this one is so unusual

Total solar eclipses occur every year or two or three, often in the middle of nowhere like the South Pacific or Antarctic. What makes the Aug. 21 eclipse so special is that it will cut diagonally across the entire United ...

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