NASA looks at Tropical Storm Funani's rainfall

Tropical Storm Funani (formerly classified as 12S) continued to affect Rodrigues Island in the South Pacific Ocean when the GPM satellite passed overhead and analyzed its rainfall.

Q&A: Tracking the history of El Niño

In December 2018, forecasters announced a high likelihood that this winter will bring El Niño, which occurs when unusually warm Pacific waters create changes in weather patterns around the world. The phenomenon causes predictable ...

Pacific nations resist US push to lift tuna quota

Pacific island nations have vowed to oppose US efforts to increase its catch limit in the world's largest tuna fishery, saying the proposal does nothing to improve sustainable fishing.

NASA added up Typhoon Prapiroon's rainfall

Tropical Cyclones can generate a tremendous amount of rainfall, and NASA's IMERG program utilizes a variety of data to create rainfall maps. Those maps provide estimates of where the heaviest rainfall occurred and NASA recently ...

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