Video: Aerosol spread from Australian fires

Ferocious bushfires have been sweeping across Australia since September, fueled by record-breaking temperatures, drought and wind. The country has always experienced fires, but this season has been horrific. A staggering ...

Suomi NPP satellite views New South Wales fires raging on

NOAA-NASA's Suomi NPP satellite flew over the New South Wales fires in Australia on December 16, 2019 and found devastation from the ongoing fires. The New South Wales Rural Fire Service is reporting 96 fires are burning ...

Call for cooperation as 'blue boats' rob Pacific reefs

A flotilla of Vietnamese fishing boats with crews suffering in harsh conditions is stripping Pacific coral reefs of seafood as the poaching escalates to become an international human rights and security issue.

Humpback whales change their tune

New research led by the University of St Andrews reveals that humpback whales can learn new songs while navigating a shared migratory route.

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