Engineer admits stealing software for China exchange

A former software engineer for Chicago-based CME Group pleaded guilty Wednesday to stealing computer code and other proprietary data for an electronic trading exchange in China, officials said.

US drone to map ancient Peru ruins

Archeologists in Peru plan to use a US-made drone to survey ancient Andean ruins, in the latest civilian application of the unmanned aerial vehicles used to hunt militants in the world's war zones.

Symantec urges users to disable pcAnywhere

Symantec is recommending that users of its pcAnywhere software disable the product following the theft of source code from the US computer security firm.

Indian hacker lords have Symantec antivirus code

( -- An Indian hacker group called The Lords of Dharmaraja has laid claim to Symantec’s antivirus software code. Symantec, confirming the theft in an e-mail posted Friday, said the chunk of pilfered code ...

The future is now

To allow web applications run on four screens, the webinos project consortium creates a full open source code base. The tagerted technology will allow different devices and applications to work together, securely, seamlessly ...

Adobe embracing Apple-favored online video format

Adobe Systems on Wednesday put aside its tiff with Apple and told thousands of software developers it is embracing the online video format preferred by the maker of iPhones, iPods and iPads.

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