Scientists find upper limit for the speed of sound

A research collaboration between Queen Mary University of London, the University of Cambridge and the Institute for High Pressure Physics in Troitsk has discovered the fastest possible speed of sound.

Lego-like wall produces acoustic holograms

Research Triangle engineers have developed a simple, energy-efficient way to create three-dimensional acoustic holograms. The technique could revolutionize applications ranging from home stereo systems to medical ultrasound ...

Tiny Music Player Made from Wire Bridge (w/ Video)

( -- In 2008, scientists built a loudspeaker made of carbon nanotubes that produced sound and music based on the thermoacoustic effect. Now, a different team of scientists has built a loudspeaker made of tiny ...

Light and sound waves reveal negative pressure

Negative pressure is a rare and challenging-to-detect phenomenon in physics. Using liquid-filled optical fibers and sound waves, researchers at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL) in Erlangen have now ...

Uncorking champagne bottle produces supersonic shock waves

Opening a bottle of champagne traditionally marks the beginning of a festive celebration. Following the fun pop of the cork, a fizz of bubbles releases into the air, and finally, there is the pleasant tingle on the tongue.

New theory of deep-ocean sound waves may aid tsunami detection

Acoustic-gravity waves are very long sound waves that cut through the deep ocean at the speed of sound. These lightning-quick currents can sweep up water, nutrients, salts, and any other particles in their wake, at any water ...

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