Earless worms 'listen' through their skin

A species of roundworm that is widely used in biological research can sense and respond to sound, despite having no ear-like organs, according to a new study from the University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute.

Quantum sound waves to open doors for more powerful sensors

For the last decade, scientists have been making giant leaps in their ability to build and control systems based on the bizarre rules of quantum mechanics, which describe the behavior of particles at the subatomic scale.

Listeners may adapt to speaker-specific acoustics, study shows

Phonetic convergence, or phonetic imitation, is a form of speech production in which a talker's speech becomes similar to that of the person with whom they are speaking. In a recent article published in the journal Speech ...

Noise created by humans is pervasive in US protected areas

Protected areas in the United States, representing 14 percent of the land mass, provide places for respite, recreation, and natural resource conservation. However, noise pollution poses novel threats to these protected areas, ...

Reducing jet noise by controlling turbulence

Airlines and aircraft manufacturers are under increasing pressure to keep noise levels low for airport personnel and for people in surrounding neighborhoods.

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