Chiral sources for metamaterial interface waveguides

Metamaterial interface waveguides can confine and guide electromagnetic (EM) waves, which has attractive potential in integrated photonics physics and wireless devices, from radio frequencies to optical bands. The energy ...

Machine learning algorithm automatically sorts zebrafish eggs

Zebrafish possess almost all of the same genes we humans do—and that makes their eggs the perfect model organisms for use in genetic and drug research. Previously, samples have had to be prepared manually, which is a very ...

New technologies for getting the most out of semen

For in vitro fertilization and other assisted reproductive technologies, selecting the healthiest and best swimming sperm from a sample of semen can dramatically increase success. Microfluidics—micro-scale technologies ...

Reaction rate of many molecules depends on their shape

Most molecules occur in several shapes, which may behave very differently. Using a sorting machine for molecules, a German–Swiss research team can now for the first time directly measure the various reaction rates of different ...

Sorting out top-class wines

No vintners want their wine to have a bitter note to it. Now, new sorting equipment with optical recognition can guarantee this is never the case. The machine sorts the harvest into quality grades – sparing winemakers laborious ...

Savvy seed sorter separates good from bad

Fast, portable, and comparatively inexpensive, an improved seed-sorting machine developed by aU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientist and an industry colleague is helping plant breeders and others separate the seeds ...

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